News Item: World Swastika Rehabilitation Day 2022 (76aH) events around the world
(Category: Swastika Day)
Posted by German
Sunday 12 June 2022 - 15:38:14

Saturday June 25, 2022

All events are organized by the ProSwastika Alliance which is active all over the world in order to inform about the origin and the thousand-year-old meaning of the swastika.
The events are taking place on Saturday, June 25 at local times unless otherwise indicated.


Online-Presentation: „The extraterrestrial origin of the oldest symbol on Earth“
Location: Online – Zoom - Link:
This continental presentation in English will be translated into French and Spanish. It will start at 4pm (New York time) and will last about 30 minutes.
see also:

Location: Toronto
Time: 2pm – 3pm (Toronto-time)

Location: Vancouver
Time: 3pm – 4pm (Vancouver-time)

Event: Raelians will distribute the new press release ("The Swastika is not a hate symbol and the raelians oppose Canadian bill C-229") and informations to passers-by


Location: Karlsruhe - pedestrian zone
Event: Raelians inform about the true meaning of the religious swastika
Time: Saturday 25.06.2022 in the afternoon

Online-Presentation:: "Online-Vortrag 2022 über die religiöse Swastika"
Time: Sunday 26.06.2022 - 17.30 -18.30 (Paris-time)

Informations coming soon for...

Center- and South-America...



Australia and Oceania...

This news item is from Pro-Swastika
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